High recidivism: Most of Big Schu Mob returns to HOA Board
Type of post: | Chorus news item |
Sub-type: | No sub-type |
Posted By: | John Braden |
Status: | Current |
Date Posted: | Sat, Jan 13 2024 |
By John Braden
"Hanging Judge" the Hon. John Erwine returned to the Heart of America Chorus Installation and Awards Banquet, Jan. 6, 2024, checking up on his 2023 "sentencing" of the Big Schu Mob to a year of service as HOA Board members.
What he found was a high rate of recidivism, installing 10 of the 14 2023 board members to another year's sentence and adding four new gang members to the board.

Erwine stepped down from the bench to call the newly elected 2024 officers forward and task them with their specific responsibilities, noting "everything else is details." Fifty Kansas City Chapter members and family met at Joe's KC Barbecue's 180 Room in Olathe for installation of officers, annual awards and a bit of singing.
Board members inaugurated were:
President Mike Schumacher
Immediate Past President Charles Ramirez
Secretary Tom Hadley
Treasurer Harvey Shapiro
Executive VP Danny Anderson
Public Relations VP Chris Walker
Chapter Development VP Don Fuson
Music & Performance VP John Braden
Operations VP Steve Keisker
Program VP Jerry Meier
Members at Large Tony O'Brien, Vince Perry IV, Kerry Rawlins, Marlin Weidler.
Big thank yous went to departing Executive VP Rick Foreman, Marketing VP Ted Simon, Music VP Bob Velazquez and Member at Large Tom Riedel. And another thank you to Program VP and the evening's master of ceremonies, Jerry Meier, for securing the venue and its great barbecue buffet.
Returning President Mike Schumacher said he wants to find new opportunities for the chorus to reach out to our communities so other men can experience our joy of singing for others. He urged chapter members to step up when asked for help by board members because the chapter belongs to all members.
HOA Director Carter Combs thanked the spouses and significant others in the audience for letting our boys come out and play. He gave a quick rundown of the history of music/performance delivery technology. It seems our competition started with Thomas Edison in 1877 and culminated (so far) with 3G phones that let people hear and see performances any time without having to hear and see live performers. He said, because the public has infinite entertainment options in their pockets, our options are: 1. Figure out how to entice them to come to us or 2. Take our art to them.
John Braden acknowledged the passing of the five HOA members who joined the "Chapter Eternal" in 2023: Jordan Weber, Larry Poisner, Wendell Shaffer, Ron Abel and Jack Bussell.
Barry Sanders was named the 2023 Barbershopper of the Year. Barry is a 35-year chapter member, sometimes quartetter, former HOA president, bass in New Harmony Handful, an organizer of Singing Valentines, HOA's Holiday Harmony Spectacular chairman for several years, and, as John Braden put it, "a relentlessly positive presence in our chapter."
KC Common, with baritone Rick Foreman standing in for Paul Camarata, kicked off the singing. With tenor Marlin Weidler, lead Danny Anderson and bass Steve Keisker, KC Common sang "Let It Snow" and "Lullaby in Ragtime."
Bringing up the rear was Swing Shift, with tenor Carter Combs, lead John Braden, baritone Charlie Hill and bass Eric Weber singing "Count Your Blessings" and "Walkin' My Baby Back Home."

Photos by Don Fuson, Elizabeth Braden, Martin Oldehoeft.
"Hanging Judge" the Hon. John Erwine returned to the Heart of America Chorus Installation and Awards Banquet, Jan. 6, 2024, checking up on his 2023 "sentencing" of the Big Schu Mob to a year of service as HOA Board members.
What he found was a high rate of recidivism, installing 10 of the 14 2023 board members to another year's sentence and adding four new gang members to the board.

Erwine stepped down from the bench to call the newly elected 2024 officers forward and task them with their specific responsibilities, noting "everything else is details." Fifty Kansas City Chapter members and family met at Joe's KC Barbecue's 180 Room in Olathe for installation of officers, annual awards and a bit of singing.
Board members inaugurated were:
President Mike Schumacher
Immediate Past President Charles Ramirez
Secretary Tom Hadley
Treasurer Harvey Shapiro
Executive VP Danny Anderson
Public Relations VP Chris Walker
Chapter Development VP Don Fuson
Music & Performance VP John Braden
Operations VP Steve Keisker
Program VP Jerry Meier
Members at Large Tony O'Brien, Vince Perry IV, Kerry Rawlins, Marlin Weidler.

HOA Director Carter Combs thanked the spouses and significant others in the audience for letting our boys come out and play. He gave a quick rundown of the history of music/performance delivery technology. It seems our competition started with Thomas Edison in 1877 and culminated (so far) with 3G phones that let people hear and see performances any time without having to hear and see live performers. He said, because the public has infinite entertainment options in their pockets, our options are: 1. Figure out how to entice them to come to us or 2. Take our art to them.
John Braden acknowledged the passing of the five HOA members who joined the "Chapter Eternal" in 2023: Jordan Weber, Larry Poisner, Wendell Shaffer, Ron Abel and Jack Bussell.

KC Common, with baritone Rick Foreman standing in for Paul Camarata, kicked off the singing. With tenor Marlin Weidler, lead Danny Anderson and bass Steve Keisker, KC Common sang "Let It Snow" and "Lullaby in Ragtime."
Bringing up the rear was Swing Shift, with tenor Carter Combs, lead John Braden, baritone Charlie Hill and bass Eric Weber singing "Count Your Blessings" and "Walkin' My Baby Back Home."

Photos by Don Fuson, Elizabeth Braden, Martin Oldehoeft.